It's a Lifestyle!

Hey, it's Katie Ann! This is my first experience with a blog but thought I would see how this works to not only keep a sort of workout and nutrition diary for myself, but to also use it to share information and tips that work for me with my friends!

I'm a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant and no matter how long it takes, I will continue to pursue my degree, most likely in Dietetics and Nutritional Management. In the meantime, I'm currently studying for my Personal Trainer Certification which I should complete in the next couple of months and will be all too happy to spend my workdays in the gym. Nutrition and exercise are definitely my passion and main interests, so that's why I decided to make them my career pursuit as well! I have several areas of focus that I'm interested in! Since so many of my friends are having babies, I'm very interested in Pre- and Post Natal fitness and nutrition but also do alot of reading about and have great interest in sports performance training and youth fitness. I want to learn it all!! I also LOVE group fitness classes such as pilates, kickboxing, and spinning and hope to be teaching some of those soon as well!

I'm sort of obsessive compulsive about keeping track of my workouts and diet. I have a spiral-bound diary that I write my workouts and meals in everyday. I love to challenge myself and try new workouts and the diary helps me keep track of my results. I buy lots of fitness and nutrition books and magazines and have tons of articles and recipes cut out or flagged. The idea to do this blog came from so many of my friends that have called, texted, or e-mailed me asking for advice and tips with their workouts and diets... I figured this would be a great way to share more of the info that I read and find with my friends. I have lots of ideas so there will be much more to come...stay tuned! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!! Time To Make Your Fitness & Nutrition Resolutions!!

I know, I’ve been slacking on my blog over the holidays… I’ve been so busy working, shopping, and spending as much quality family/friend time as I could get in!  I hope everyone enjoyed theirs as much as I did!   But now it’s a new year and a great excuse to make new resolutions and set new goals!   I’ve made my own resolutions, and like most people, several have to do with nutrition and fitness!  My trainer friends all tell me the same thing… The gym is packed for the first few weeks of the year because everyone makes the same resolutions to get in shape or lose weight!  The problem is, most people have good intentions but burn themselves out and don’t follow through past January or February.  Keep your goals reasonable and they will be much easier to stick to!  Here’s a few suggestions to consider:

1.    Keep a water bottle with you at all times and resolve to fill it up a certain number of times each day… I would suggest to resolve to at least 4-5 times a day.
2.    If you eat out for lunch most of the week, set a limit to the number of times you’re allowed to eat out and pack a healthy lunch the other days… I would suggest to only allow yourself one eat-out day per week.
3.    Add more healthy foods into your diet!  Everyone usually knows the types of foods in your diet which are bad for you and it definitely is a good thing to start giving those up…but don’t just concentrate on what you need to give up but also on what you need to add!  Start adding in more veggies and fresh fruits.  You might be surprised to see how some simple changes like eating a large portion of green vegetables with each meal can make a big difference on your scale.  It’s not only something healthy with each meal, but also filling, leaving less room for the unhealthy side items!
4.    A gym membership is best, but only benefits you if you go!!  Don’t burn yourself out in the first month by going for several hours every single day!  Some type of cardio everyday is great but don’t start using lack of time as an excuse not to go!  30 minutes of your day is better than nothing and sufficient!  Also, don’t overdo things with your workouts and make yourself so sore you never want to go back!  A little soreness is good but working out one day and spending the next 2 or 3 not being able to move will kill your motivation. 
5.    Try investing in some personal trainer sessions!  Having the designated days and times to work with them will make it harder to procrastinate or skip!  Even if you can only afford a couple of sessions, starting out with a professional’s guidance on what your goals should be and what you need to do to meet them will help you see results faster. 
6.    Find a workout buddy!  If you have a friend that has similar resolutions to get healthy and fit, do it together!  Having someone else to encourage and push you helps keep you motivated and makes it more fun.
7.    Add some variety to your workouts.  Don’t give yourself a chance to get bored…try out the different fitness classes offered at the gym.  They’re fun and great to do with your workout buddy or go alone and meet new friends!

Most importantly, if you end up slacking for a few days, don’t give up on yourself and abandon your plan.  Just start fresh and begin again! Set realistic goals and if you stay committed, you’ll achieve them!

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