It's a Lifestyle!

Hey, it's Katie Ann! This is my first experience with a blog but thought I would see how this works to not only keep a sort of workout and nutrition diary for myself, but to also use it to share information and tips that work for me with my friends!

I'm a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant and no matter how long it takes, I will continue to pursue my degree, most likely in Dietetics and Nutritional Management. In the meantime, I'm currently studying for my Personal Trainer Certification which I should complete in the next couple of months and will be all too happy to spend my workdays in the gym. Nutrition and exercise are definitely my passion and main interests, so that's why I decided to make them my career pursuit as well! I have several areas of focus that I'm interested in! Since so many of my friends are having babies, I'm very interested in Pre- and Post Natal fitness and nutrition but also do alot of reading about and have great interest in sports performance training and youth fitness. I want to learn it all!! I also LOVE group fitness classes such as pilates, kickboxing, and spinning and hope to be teaching some of those soon as well!

I'm sort of obsessive compulsive about keeping track of my workouts and diet. I have a spiral-bound diary that I write my workouts and meals in everyday. I love to challenge myself and try new workouts and the diary helps me keep track of my results. I buy lots of fitness and nutrition books and magazines and have tons of articles and recipes cut out or flagged. The idea to do this blog came from so many of my friends that have called, texted, or e-mailed me asking for advice and tips with their workouts and diets... I figured this would be a great way to share more of the info that I read and find with my friends. I have lots of ideas so there will be much more to come...stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Little Help With That WILLPOWER!!

I ran across this article in Ladies' Home Journal by Leslie Goldman the other day. I think it gives great tips for when your cravings get the best of you. The trick is learning that the solutions are all in your head.

  • STRESS: Instead of thinking, "after a crazy day at work I deserve a big pile of fries." Write down your worries in a journal. Stress triggers your cravings for comfort foods because your body wants the soothing hit of dopamine they provide, and eating something you love takes your mind off things. If you write down your worries instead "you will become more aware of your negative emotions so you can find ways to work through them," says Dr. Alber, Psy.D., author of 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food.
  • CHOCOLATE CRAVINGS: Instead of thinking, "if I see chocolate I eat it. There's no stopping me!" ... walk off the urge to indulge. It's not just the taste that makes chocolate so tempting, it's also the blissed-out feeling you get from eating it. When chocolate's potent blend of fat and sugar hits your bloodstream, it signals the reward center of your brain to release dopamine, a chemical that produces feelings of euphoria. The sensation is a mild version of a high, like people get from drugs and alcohol, says Joe Frascella, Ph.D. Britain's University of Exeter found that taking a 15-minute walk may help curb chocolate cravings.
  • DEPRESSED: Instead of thinking, "when I'm feeling sad, I pop doughnut holes like mints. They're a perfect pick-me-up" Eat a small amount of carbs like a cup of plain cheerios or a small english muffin, it can help you feel better in about a half hour. Carbs stimulate production of the feeling good hormone serotonin, which dips when you're depressed. Just make sure you control yourself, don't over do it!
  • TIRED: Instead of thinking, "after a bad night's sleep I have to eat constantly the next day. I'm ravenous!" GET ENOUGH SLEEP, or since it's not always possible- eat fruit, veggies and high-fiber carbs regularly to help your body produce leptin more efficiently. Just a few nights of tossing and turning can send your appetitite into overdrive. That's because sleep helps regulate body weight and metabolism. Lack of sleep increases appetite, and may cause you to gain weight. It's important to get the sleep your body needs.
  • PMS: Instead of thinking, "when I have PMS chocolate is a need, not a want." Sooth premenstrual tension the healthy way through exercise, deep breathing or yoga. Once you cut stress, your candy bar cravings will be less intense. To kick the chocolate craving, have a piece throughout the month so you don't over do it when it's your monthly visitor.
  • FOOD CONNECTIONS: Instead of thinking, "I have to get a bucket of popcorn when I see a movie." Identify the situations that trigger mindless eating (keeping a food journal can help.) Popcorn seems like a necessity because you've been conditioned to want it whenever you catch a flick, says Dr. Albers. "When an event becomes linked in your brain to a specific food-like popcorn and movies, hotdogs and baseball games, or bowl of icecream and your favorite tv show-you're likely to indulge without even thinking about it," she explains. Once you figure out your mindless eating, you can come up with ways to sever the food connection or create healthier ones.
  • MORNINGS: Instead of thinking, "the only thing I ever want for breakfast is a big bagel." Eat a combination of complex whole-grain carbs and protein for breakfast to reduce your cravings. Blame morning food cravings on a brain chemical called neuropeptide Y, which helps govern your appetite for carb-rich foods. "Levels of NPY are high in the morning because your body wants immediate fuel after fasting for eight hours," says Somer. The problem is that while foods rich in simple carbs-such as a bagel-are digested rapidly to deliver a blast of energy, you then have to deal with blood-sugar crash. And what will you want to eat to make yourslf feel better? MORE CARBS! Both complex whole-grain carbs and protein take longer to digest than simple carbs, so you'll get a steady stream of energy and feel full longer. Try a piece of whole wheat toast topped with peanut butter- it's my favorite! :)

I felt like a lot of these I could connect with cravings I have. I'm really bad about saying "I'll just eat better tomorrow." But, I've learned to keep the pounds away, the inches off, and the energy high... you can treat yourself once in awhile, but have a bite... don't eat the whole thing!

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